Thursday, July 19, 2012

economics for dummies like liz

This podcast was fascinating to me! I am in NO way an economist and am still trying to get educated on things, but I felt like this helped me better understand the consequences of taxes, deductions, etc. a little better. In this episode, they gathered a panel of well-renowned economists of differing political persuasions to agree on 6 proposals for an economic platform...but then they drive home the point that no candidate would EVER get elected if they proposed to do these things.  (It's pretty entertaining when they have a fake candidate make a fake speech proposing them, love it.) Anyway, I have mixed feelings about a couple of them, but overall it made me think about our role as the people. We criticize the government and go on and on about how we need to improve the economy, yet many times politicians sidestep critical issues because they're worried about losing OUR votes. I'm not sure how we would fix it, but just enjoyed thinking about it this morning as I washed dishes in the lab! :)

1 comment:

Peter said...

This sounds fascinating. Now if they'd only post a transcript, I might read it.