so i was actually really surprised how easy it was to get back to real life after my mission. people would always ask me how i was doing, and i would always say " . . . great!" So i don't know if this is normal, but it seems to be getting HARDER the more time goes by haha. at least so far. the last few weeks i've been missing the mission a lot. maybe it's because my brother and parents are all preparing for theirs. secret confession...rain has the power to make me cry every time :) however! i've found that the times when i'm missing the mission the most, the Lord just drops in these tender mercies. Examples:

*one day, i was randomly missing being a missionary. oh i remember why now! i was walking up the hill to campus, and i saw two cute korean girls speaking in korean. then i started missing sister lee, sister kim, H mart, bul-go-gi, and just seeing koreans everywhere. i was about to get emotional (yeah i know i'm pathetic). then i looked up and saw this guy staring at me, but then he quickly looked away. i played the whole walk-faster-so-you-can-catch-up-to-someone-and-get-a-look-at-their-face game. as i got closer i realized it was a guy that was in one of the wards i served in! he'd just gotten off his mission while i was there and he'd come to a few lessons with us. i said his name, and he was like "it IS you! i didn't think you were home so i was really freaked out!" so we walked and chatted for a minute when we ran into this OTHER guy from the same ward!! so we started reminiscing, and THEN a girl from one of my OTHER areas came walking up. Then a fourth person from maple valley! i didn't actually know him, but still....crazy reunion huh? it made me so happy. the lord is so aware
*then yesterday, i was at the provo temple. the past few days i'd really been missing the mission. i was waiting on the benches and started accidentally eavesdropping on the temple workers' conversation. "is your son getting excited to go to seattle?" i, of course, butted right in. "is he going on a mission there??" "yes! in May." "I just got back from there!!! it's the most amazing mission . . . etc etc etc . . . blah blah blah" so this cute korean woman came over to me and i got to tell her everything that her son should expect. he's going to be speaking korean and english! i told her all about the korean branch and i told her about the korean market and i told her all about President and Sister Larkin and the korean sisters and elders he would meet. it was so fun. i loved it. SAY HELLO TO SEATTLE FOR ME ELDER SONG!!!
*THEN last night, i ran across my friend (and first companion) Diane's blog... expressing the same feelings about the mission. and it just made me happy to read it. so i'm a total copycat but i'm going to post a few pics... just humor my nostalgia :) bring on the mission reunion!!!!

I had to stop with my companions... there are way too many other people i adore that i'd be up way too late. another day, another post :)
I'm glad we get each other.
I miss you. Can't wait to see you.
I love the picture of Sister Graf, Sister Sawyer and you and I. I looked for that one but couldn't find it. I may copy it!:)
You were an amazing missionary!
Well, I can't say that I understand the missing the mission thing, but I do know the reminiscing feeling of wishing some things were the same as before. Hang in there though! Life is full of ups and downs, but things always come back up!! Usually to even better than before :D At least you loved your mission and had a great experience right?
Love ya! I need to call you so we can chat again!
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