Monday, January 5, 2009


for the confused: "kif" means "christmas" in the gibbons dialect . . .

Christmas is always my favorite holiday! our family has so many traditions and even though we're all growed up they carry on :) we missed you bosters!!


grandma and grandpa glenn always came over for a candle-lit dinner, the christmas story, and christmas carol singing . . . we miss grandpa but grandma carries on the tradition! this year we watched "holiday inn" while we waited for the pot pies to cook!

"yummy rolls!!" (famous liz quote from family home videos). mom's amazing rolls! abby did lots of the work this year . . .

"the stockings were hung by the chimney with care." mom made these all for us a lot time ago! even though they lost their whiteness in our basement flood, i still think they're beautiful :)

christmas pj's! i wish mom was in this pic. she made BYU pants this year (dad got 2 pair, one BYU and one U of U since he was a Utah man . . . we love him anyway)

sibling sleepover waiting for santa!! we synchronized our clocks as always. and what would christmas morning be without josh's rooster alarm to awaken us all gently? :)

it was pitch dark and abby told me to surprise her with a pose. surprise!


5 am waiting to go wake up the parentals!!

"the first gift of christmas!!!" popsy and his new head lamp

annie's napolean pose. seemed to come up a lot over break haha

putting out the smokey fire. bad idea to start one with the wind, but hey it's a tradition :)

visiting at grandma and grandpa gibbons'

well that just about wraps it up folks. i must give abby credit for all of the pics! thanks friend :) i love my family so much. i'll miss you guys next year!!

1 comment:

Jenny Bay said...

Awww, we missed you guys!! Love all the pictures. We're so glad we could come for New Years! Love ya!