Monday, September 14, 2009

love you all!

this week has been AMAZING!! mostly because sis yura and i have just been so united and excited about the work and our goals! we set some high goals for new investigators . . . and we wanted a church tour set up with each, and the Lord gave us miracles!! we even got one more than our goal!! the most exciting one is [L], he's a 24 yr old from Hong Kong ... oh yeah the one i told you about last week! anyway we took him on his church tour and it was awesome! the spirit was strong, and since then he's had 2 more lessons, a baptismal date of oct 10 (he's still praying about everything, but that's his goal so pray for him!), and he came to stake conference yesterday. it was one of the broadcasts and we got to hear from Elder Nelson and Pres Monson! AWESOME! anyway we've seen lots of miracles and it's just been a great week. the work is a joy when you put your whole heart and energy into it . . . when you do it the Lord's way. i'm so grateful to be a missionary! the Lord is blessing me way more than anything I could ever give Him. I've really come to know that we are always in the Lord's debt, just has King Benjamin taught. i hope all is well with you all :) i love you all so much! thanks for your prayers and your emails. hope you all have a happy week! (speaking of, we are so lucky we know how to be happy! we had a lesson just last night with [M], who said she just doesn't know how to be happy. i told her that that's why we're teaching her the gospel, because it's the way to be happy. then she asked, are you truly happy? and i could honestly say yes! we are so lucky. the gospel truly is the way to be happy no matter what comes our way...because the happiness is something that starts in our hearts, not something we find in the world). so be happy! i love you all, i pray for you in all your challenges, hard times, and adventures (oh speaking of...hilarious! a sister yura-ism . . . instead of 7th day adventist, she called it 7th day adventure church hahaha priceless. oh and one more, this morning i asked her what she was eating and she said "oil"... then paused and said, "no...i mean oatmeal" haha good times learning english with sis yura). LOVE YOU!

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