Tuesday, February 24, 2009

sad story . . .

so about an hour ago, i decided to eat my delicious, juicy tangelo that i brought to work. i was try to peel it by pulling off that huge knobby thingy that happens to be on tangelos, and since my fingernails are really short it was hard. so i dug in what little nails i had and it kind of pulled my nail away from my skin and i started bleeding! i bled because of a tangelo! sad story huh?

ps i just finished my poster that i'm presenting in boston and i'm pretty excited about it :)


Daniel Bay Gibbons said...

Wibby, I'm so sorry for you, but ..... what in the heck is a "tangelo?"???????

Abby said...

What's a tangelo????

Lil Lizzie said...

a tangelo is a cross between a tangerine and an orange! they are very juicy and very delicious :) you should check it out.

Anonymous said...

Poor tangelo...poor Liz. If I were near you I would kiss it better :)