Thursday, March 15, 2012

insight into liz's brain

so i'm one of those people who can't just do ONE thing. i have to be doing 10 million things at once. i start doing something, and then my mind jumps to something else i also need to do, then about 10 minutes later i think, "wasn't I doing something else?" so then i go back to the first thing, leaving the 2nd thing half done. then all of a sudden i think, "I didn't finish thing #2!"  This cycle can expand to five or six things! luckily, somehow, i usually get everything done...just snippets at at time.

today is a good example: i just barely turned in a research fellowship application (up to $15,000 EXTRA dollars next school's hoping!) that was due by 5 pm today.  So obviously that was priority #1. It was one of those applications that couldn't just have everything in one document. They wanted a file with the proposal body, one with a statement of academic merit (whatever that means), an abstract, AND a curriculum vitae (PS - if you ever feel like you don't accomplish things, make a CV...nothing like writing down all your accomplishments to remind you your life is productive).  So of course i had a bajillion word documents open PLUS a thousand tabs open on google chrome. (do you always have a million things running on your computer at once like i do?)  also, NONE of these things were completely done, so i needed to put finishing touches on all of them.  so of course, i start editing the proposal, then remember "i haven't even started the statement of academic merit!" so i start working on that and i'm super productive for a good 30 min without stopping. then i get distracted by NCAA score updates. when i go back to word, i open the proposal and it hasn't made any progress since i wrote last and i think, "wasn't i just working for 30 min straight??" then i remember it was on the statement of academic merit! so then i start doing the proposal again, and then i got distracted by proofreading my CV! i'm telling you people, it was a crazy day. but i somehow got it all done. all is well. for now.

sidenotes: my ncaa bracket only stayed perfect for like 3 games. sad day.  also, hasn't the weather been GORGEOUS?? it makes me feel like this:
which reminds me...i just got passport pictures taken and they told me i couldn't smile and i definitely did not look as happy as i do above. i'm sure glad we smile in pictures these days (as opposed to the old days when everyone looked depressed in pictures like this...

1 comment:

Jenny Bay said...

welcome to my life - I am the same way!! Except I skip around doing things around the house and music/piano things instead of science-y things. we must be related :)