Let's be honest, I haven't always been a runner. In fact, the first time I really ran consistently was with my dear friend Diane. She and I (then Sister Bush and Sister Gibbons) started running together on the mission with the Glacier Park ward cheering us on :)

After we got home, we ran our first 5k together on Thanksgiving!

Next stop, HALF MARATHON!!
April 16, 2011
I paid today, so I guess I better really do it now :) I've still got a long way to go, but I started training this week and I'm feeling great! I figure if my pops can run like 50 marathons, I should be able to do a half right? He's my inspiration, and Diane is the perfect person to do it with. LOVE YOU BOTH!
Run, Liz, Run! I've done my fair share of 5Ks, but I don't think I could manage a half marathon. You'll do great! Have fun on all your running adventures!
You guys are so awesome! I'm super proud of you. Jeff and I are doing Ragnar again this year and kate is running with us!!! We're pretty excited. Can't wait to hear how your race goes!
I love you!
You are my perfect running companion. Remember when we realized we were made to be running mates?! Bring on the Half!
Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!!! Liz it is SO SUPER fab to hear from you! I am so happy you and Diane found me...what a treat. :)So proud of you both for still running and you guys will be great at the half! I wish I was training with you but I will be in spirit! I am running a half in May and will be thinking of you both. Stay in touch! E-mail me anytime too: allensrock@hotmail.com
Love ya, Tracie
ps I love your nerdy science posts!! Do more of those :)
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