Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the dirt

okay enough pictures, here's the dirt :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY PACKAGES EVERYONE!! i loved everything. the scarf was like exactly what i had envisioned :) cute cardigan! yay for a 2nd towel! :) i'm using the jump drive as we speak. ANNIE...so weird....the day before my birthday i had said, "sister burch, i need sticky notes and tape and scissors!" and then you sent me ALL OF THEM. so cool. you are in tune my friend :) you know what we missionaries need always! i'm using everything like crazy! and abby's headbands were super cute... i'm stylish now. awesome. couldn't have had a better birthday! mom, your cookies were gone in like 10 minutes. so good. and thanks for the birthday signs!! dad, sinless in seattle...priceless. you KILL me. i wish i was as witty as you. thank you thank you guys! can you believe i'm 23??? i'm so old. i tried to convince the elders was turning 29, but no one believed me. i don't know why. maybe because i look like i'm 17 haha.

other big news:
**our threesome is awesome!! sister eria is HILARIOUS, hard working, so sweet, and a great teacher. i love her. i've already learned out to speak enough kiribati to do a door approach haha. cool language. look up her country...kiribati...near fiji kinda.

**we moved back into the apartments! SO much nicer than the last one. two reasons...it's just a nicer apartment AND elders have never lived there so there's not mounds of junk AND the furniture isn't randomly placed! haha. it really is nice! it's sooo clean. yay! it feels like home. super cute. i'll have to take pics.

**we have 2 girls on date to be baptized!! [H] and her sister [C]...ages 11 and 13 :) [H] has gone to church with her next door neighbors (members) quite a few times and agreed to let us teach. we invited them to be baptized and they said yes! their mom is ok with it, but wants to attend the church first to see what it's all about. fine by us!! :) miracles happen all the time!

**one cool experience, s. eria and i (we were on splits) were teaching an investigator named [S] who had LOTS of questions. didn't believe there was apostasy and therefore no need for a restoration. it's hard to explain but it was just one of those lessons where i felt like a REAL missionary (haha you know as opposed to the fake one i am all the time). i mean that they were HARD questions, but the spirit totally guided us and helped us find scriptures in the bible. it was AWESOME because we got to use the scriptures a ton to back up the doctrine, but the spirit was there so it wasn't bible bashing. i loved it. being a missionary is awesome.

**i hit my 9 month mark this week! SO CRAZY. it has gone by so fast. i feel like it's quickly slipping through my fingers...

well that's the main juice! love you all so much!!!

sister gibbons

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